
The Aggie Modeling Machines: Couture Productions and Verge Modeling Troupe (Part 1)

North Carolina A&T is host to two of North Carolina's most infamous modeling organizations, Couture Productions and Verge Modeling Troupe. They are known throughout NC for the many creative and flamboyant spectacles they put on; especially for their university's homecoming fashion show and various competitions. Both groups were started circa the early 2000's. Couture is the oldest (as I'm told), followed by Verge, which was started by disgruntled former Couture members who reportedly wanted more out of performance modeling.

What make the A&T Machine so impressionable are their epic productions. When you go to a C.P. or Verge show, it's expected that you'll see huge backdrops, scattered stage props (usually beds and chairs, cause Aggies love to lay around *chuckles*), flashing lights, music with bone thumping bass and huge, elaborate group routines. The stage is usually always busy, like 5 o'clock traffic on a Friday! Such aesthetic is what makes the A&T Machine the beast that it is.

Couture Productions:

Said to be the largest student organization on A&T's campus (outside the marching band), CP is an entertainment based group that includes spoken word, acting, dance, and performance modeling as its mediums of entertainment. Couture has been able to achieve what other groups of the same diverse persuasion have not, long term survival and changing performance modeling in NC. This year, the organization marked it 10 year anniversary.

From CP's 2009 "Kyoto Couture" competition piece

2 divas strut during the 2010 Homecoming Fashion show

Homeboy in the harem pants is flashing that bulge,
and I LOVE it! How U doin'

An older Couture show

Below: Clips from Couture's past. A clipping from a 2006 competition piece. 

Couture's art form is very dramatic. They were the first to bring the banji-pump down south from some random DC competition and the style spread quicker than swine flu! Their classic walk, which I prefer, was an energetic wheel barrel (w/ a slight bobble head) that was cute and not as busy as the former mentioned. Fashion wise, Couture employs a team of NC A&T fashion majors and local trendy types to concoct altered or hand pieces for the runway. Their attire always stands out and makes a statement with sparkles or bright, warm colors. Couture's choreography is influenced by j-setting, different contemporary dance forms (hip-hop, modern), exotic dancing (*cough*), and the ball room scene (legend has it they are coached by the Gabanna House of Greensboro).

Verge Modeling Troupe is the more "modeling focused" of the two troupes on A&T's campus. Classic Verge (pre 2008) had a large focus on classic black performance modeling aesthetics (i.e. sexy mens w/ muscles) including footwork, drum-core formation changes, heavy sports and swim wear, boobs and titties, baby oil, actual retail sponsorships, sexy mens, and more sexy mens. Wheew! Flashbacks got me hot!

Below: Verge's 2006 "Lil Kim" show was a competition piece which didn't win, but is a textbook Classic Verge show

Verge's style changed after 2008, revamping themselves after a slumping year and a half and getting new energy. The true story to their miraculous comeback is the same as to corporations who witness low sales and change their image and method of approach. Yes, Verge, once a more choreographed version of Faces Modeling Troupe and Mozik, though just as titillating, threw away their dark colored, baggy urban wear, and became Harajuku Barbie meets 80's B-boy incarnations! The routines stayed the same, but became more loose and wild! As sloppy as it looked (to me), everyone else seemed to notice and approve. Verge has been a favorite of many friends of mine ever since.

2 Verge body models get sexy
at their 2008 Homecoming Show

2 models looking yummy!

A clip of VMT's latter shows. This is from the Dennis Hayle Competition between them and Couture. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know Couture started more like the Mid 90's at A&T. They were a break away from Model Unique. The Presidents were mostly from the DMV area and therefore incorporated a lot of the DC modeling style.