
The Art of Competing: Foresight

“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.” 
–Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I’m writing this with the NC troupes in mind. No shade to the other regions, but my knowledge is battle tested and biased towards by own experience.

Well, it’s that time of year. Yes dear, the spring semester is usually when classes are notorious for giving important assignments in slim framed time spans, new clothes and flesh are revealed in time for the spring/summer season, spring romance takes root in young trollops lovers hearts and loins and modeling competitions take place across the state! This is a first in a series of posts that will help make your competition show, a memorable one. Won’t say winning because judges do shade now-a-days like it’s a Ballroom event! *gasps and clutches pearls*

So it has arrived. The invitation to compete in some random, or not so random competition. Your troupe is anxious to compete, for various reasons (i.e. make a name for itself, continue a legacy of whup-ass, for the hell of it, cause the queens have nothing else on their minds but to travel and be seen, etc.) What must be decided now is whether the date of the event gives enough time to adequately prepare and train dozens of members and staff to coordinate a memorable and award winning show, or not.

Let’s be honest, something that’s 1-3 weeks away is not the most adequate amount of time. Though I have participated in competitions where my troupe won a competition within a 2-3 week preparation time. We also lost to another group with that same last minute approach. Each of those two competitions were against one other group, either you’ll win or loose. Usually last minute deadlines don’t open enough time for groups to come up with completely new material unless there is a large amount of talent present. Therefore, invitations to such competitions should only accepted within a month’s preparation, minimum.
Of course, there are some groups that will repeat shows for competitions. For them, a 2 week deadline may not be such a dangerous course of action. More on these show repeaters later, they are indeed tricksy!

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