
Review: Xquisite Flintstone Scene

Below is the video of Xquisite Models' Flinstone inspired show. A friend sent it to me and asked for my thoughts. I was thoroughly surprised (in a good way) to see such a commitment to fashion from a DMV troupe and even gasped at, of all things to behold, STAGE PROPS! Now ya'll know those troupes up there yonder don't focus on the whole staging aspect of a show at times! Imagine my elation to see some actual commitment to a theatrical aesthetic in this DC based troupe, as opposed to the usual creative outputs from the region (i.e. All you're gonna get is some intricate choreography laced between voguing beats)!

As for the show, I'll give it a B- or C+. The routines were nice and are a textbook example of post-2008 performance modeling (heavy inspiration from outside dance sources). The ruwnay is what killed it for me. It was very quick and matter of fact, as if the fashion was only a background element to show off. C'mon honey, ya'll just created effects that were nearly different on everyone and looked nice, so show that off, and no, the group routine doesn't count as stage time for wardrobe viewing. I didn't care for some of the men's walks either. If you're going to wear gender questioning material, at least have half of the men walk like men so we know what they are. Not all the fairies can bounce about at times. Someone has to give boy for a complete range. Speaking of range and color, there is more performance music out there than voguing beats and house music. Variety my darlings!

Oh, and that voice over...

Other than that, it was a welcome change for a DMV troupe and another good show from Xquisite, who must be on the top of things this year. *winks at new management*

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